Many white people are not aware of how greatly the white standard of beauty has affected the black community. In my opinion, hundreds of years of racism - legislated and otherwise - have made it so that even within the black community, the whiter you look (skin color, hair texture, facial features), the more beautiful you are. I didn't know this was a problem until I started teaching in Oakland. I heard black kids say over and over to other black kids that they were "burnt-up looking," "too black," "African," "a burnt cookie," and more. All of those things were definitely insults. The first time I heard one kid call another "a burnt-up cookie," I couldn't believe it. I had somehow thought that racism was only white people against black. It's way deeper than that. Four years ago: More Old Faces Five years ago: Un-Wired ...
Author of Literally Unbelievable: Stories of an East Oakland Classroom