A new personal record: 13 out of 20 kids had someone come to Back to School Night! Usually it was a mother, but there were exceptions this year. One boy had his mother and grown sister come, one had his mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother! Also a dad and dad's girlfriend, and one babysitter. The classes are not all balanced though and it looks like we will have to have a combination 2nd/3rd grade class, so some kids will still need to be moved around. I was hoping that would actually be done BEFORE Back to School Night so that the parents we meet would be the parents of the kids we'd actually have, but it didn't happen. I feel kind of like I'm deceiving parents when I tell them all about how my class works and the plan for the year while knowing that their child could be moved out of my class. It probably doesn't make the parents feel great about the school either if that happens.
We have to do this because one of the third grade classes only has 13 students and another only has 15, while the second grade classes are over the 20 student limit. I was asked to submit a list of three kids that I chose to leave my class but I couldn't do it so I chose the six I thought were least likely to be traumatized and wrote down my rationale for each one and submitted that. This is the kind of thing that gets me classified as "difficult," but I can't choose three students to get rid of!