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Showing posts from January, 2020

Tamale Fundraiser!

Hi everyone! I wanted to invite anyone in the area (East Bay, California) to this delicious & fun fundraiser on Sunday, January 26, in the evening! (short version): Tamales for a great cause!! Check out the three options and please please buy tickets through the eventbrite links! Pilar de Esperanza is a Mexican orphanage/group home that Bronwyn has been volunteering at and visiting for 19 years. Like every orphanage in Mexico, it's affiliated with a local church, but receives all its funding from donations, and is in need of help fixing up the van that transports the kids to school and paying for one of the older kids' college education. Pilar is a wonderful place and the staff and kids act as a family. Many of the kids came from living on the streets, abandoned or abused, and they have the chance now to get education and grow up in a family setting.These are awesome kids to support! The orphanage is located in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, just south of McAllen, ...